Here's a confession: We're gear nerds. It's not about “cheap” it's about “cool” and “Wow, that's amazing!” Yes it costs more, sometimes a lot more, but we love knowing we have the best to offer. It's also about being smart so we don't pass on unnecessary cost to you.
And then there's the rule in production. Some call it Murphy's law: If it can go wrong, it will. At DreamWelder we follow O'Tool's Law: “Murphy was an optimist.” Unless there are severe parking issues, we arrive at EVERY shoot pulling a 12ft trailer that we designed from the ground up to work in day or night. Why not a van? Because vans get broken into. Every. Single. Time. In 23 years, we've never had a break in. We rent you what you purchase, but we bring everything anyway. You never know. The ratio of clients needing something they had not planned on is about 62%. It's worth the extra work.